Pump, Process Equipment Shortages Update
Personal Service a Covid Casualty?
Heating Coil Materials: Not All Created Equal
What type of product are you looking for? (pump, elastomer kit, diaphragm, external housing, etc.)
What size is the inlet / discharge of your pump?—Please choose an option—1/4"1/2"1"1.5"2"3"Not Sure
Is your pump plastic or metal (outside housings)?—Please choose an option—PlasticMetalNot Sure
Does your pump have clamps or is it all bolted (no chamber clamps)? —Please choose an option—ClampsBoltedNot Sure
(*Please note: pumps in photos might not be the same size or materials, but the center sections look similar across the sizes/materials.) ABCDon't Know
What is the material of the diaphragms in your pump?—Please choose an option—BunaEPDMSaniflexNeoprenePolyurethanePTFE (Teflon)VitonWilflexOther/Unknown
What are you pumping?
First Name*
Last Name*
Questions? Comments? What do you need?: